A legacy line of products for every use, in any environment and every situation. We can manufacture your original parts for that piece of equipment to last the ages or team up to develop a piece that has never been designed before. Learn more below:
Get to know our product lines to answer some of the questions you might have before placing an order. Our legacy lines are standing by: Amperite® | Coils | Fuel Pumps | Relays | T-Bar®. Visit Product Overview now:
Dig into our legacy toolbox for what you need today. Download informational sheets, technical schematics, helpful ordering charts and more for Amperite® | Coils | Fuel Pumps | Relays | T-Bar®. Visit our Toolbox now:
Amperite®, a division of Olympic Controls Corp., is waiting with our stock locator, relay builder program, helpful blog and more. Get to know Amperite® and all is has to offer your company today!
Superior quality at the highest level. Precise design, development and manufacturing. These products are built to last.